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Marauder's Realm
7th Year for our Marauder's. It's time to choose your side.
It's August 1, 1977! Hogwarts is still closed to everyone! We have blue skies and it's surprisingly warm. So everyone should go out and enjoy the nice fresh air while we still can. Shops will be open soon so students may purchase their supplies
Acting OPEN Ancient Runes OPEN Ancient Studies Blake Cartier Animagus Mickey Goodfield Arithmancy OPEN Art OPEN Astronomy Audrina Kerrigan Care of Magical Creatures OPEN Charms OPEN Dancing Brinleigh Cross Defense Against the Dark Arts OPEN Dueling OPEN Divination Caleb Voyde Economics OPEN Flying OPEN Ghoul Studies OPEN Herbology OPEN History of Magic OPEN Languages OPEN Latin OPEN Muggle Studies OPEN Music OPEN Mythology Ylenia Greengrass Philosophy OPEN Physical Education Michelle Woodhouse Poetry and Literature OPEN Potions OPEN Transfiguration OPEN
Subject: TO INFINITY AND BEYOND - STAR TREK RP [LB] Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:08 am
It’s been two month since Nero’s attack, two months since the young crew of the Enterprise stopped Earth from being destroyed in the same manner as Vulcan. The crew that had returned home from the ordeal has healed physically from the attack but the emotional scars of the attack will take a lot longer to heal. Not only had Vulcan been destroyed and its six billon inhabitants killed in a matter of minutes, Starfleet lost six ships, six ships being manned by the upper classman of the Academy. Over two thousand students died in the attack on Vulcan and no one was left unaffected by this. All felt the loss of so many. But time will heal these wounds and the newly graduated crew of the USS Enterprise will have plenty of time to do just that as they set off on their first official mission. They will go where no one has gone before, beyond everything that is known.