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Marauder's Realm
7th Year for our Marauder's. It's time to choose your side.
It's August 1, 1977! Hogwarts is still closed to everyone! We have blue skies and it's surprisingly warm. So everyone should go out and enjoy the nice fresh air while we still can. Shops will be open soon so students may purchase their supplies
Acting OPEN Ancient Runes OPEN Ancient Studies Blake Cartier Animagus Mickey Goodfield Arithmancy OPEN Art OPEN Astronomy Audrina Kerrigan Care of Magical Creatures OPEN Charms OPEN Dancing Brinleigh Cross Defense Against the Dark Arts OPEN Dueling OPEN Divination Caleb Voyde Economics OPEN Flying OPEN Ghoul Studies OPEN Herbology OPEN History of Magic OPEN Languages OPEN Latin OPEN Muggle Studies OPEN Music OPEN Mythology Ylenia Greengrass Philosophy OPEN Physical Education Michelle Woodhouse Poetry and Literature OPEN Potions OPEN Transfiguration OPEN
Subject: Wizards Without Boundaries Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:06 pm
in 1997 a fantasy book made the magical world a sensation.
But what if it wasn't fantasy at all?
in 2009 the world magical population peaked at 3 Million Muggle Population? 6,775,235,700...and counting play a Wizard. Witch. Muggle. Squib. Vampire. Elf. Werewolf and more of any age, any race, living and roleplaying in a world as big as your imagination
choose your own path
against a backdrop of real world stories, mixed with all the magic you know and love. all new, all original, present day potterverse
This has been a ad for www.wizardswithoutboundaries.com authorized by M.Quinn for the Wizard Tourism Trust follow @wizardswb on twitter or Wizards Without Boundaries on Google+ c. 2011 www.wizardswb.com